
Showing posts from August, 2019

AT Profile: Q. Brandon Keasler

Friday Night Lights: The AT Side

From Running With The Devil to The Summer Olympics: Operators and Athletes Fight Summer Heat

A Day in The Life of an Athletic Trainer / What's Down Time?

AT Profile: Bryanna Garrett

Why Athletic Directors Use the Go4Ellis App To Find Per Diem Athletic Trainers

Hezekiah Walters' Death is Changing Player Safety in His Hometown

Female AT Makes History in the MLB!

PLAYER LIVES! A true story about exertional heat stroke!

AT Profile: Ariana Moran

Preseason Heat Tactics: Alabama Edition

The AT's Law: "The Law of The Land"

Pregnant AT Survives Heart Attack Thanks To Students and Staff

At Profile: Victoria Voorhees

Go4Ellis and the Women's Football Alliance Announce Partnership

ATs and Protocol: A District Responds to the Death of a HS Athlete

ATs Respond to Sandy Hook Shooting Through Action

NFL Takes Action Against Heat Wave

August Practice Hot Weather Safety Posters