Hezekiah Walters' Death is Changing Player Safety in His Hometown
In the wake of the tragic loss of a 14 year-old boy who died during a preseason conditioning drill, changes are being made.
Will the rest of the country follow suit?
Click the link below to learn why each high school in Hillsborough County, FL will now have a year-round Athletic Trainer:
Hillsborough Schools Get Athletic Trainers
And if you want to read a not sad story about exertional heat stroke, click here.
Need an athletic trainer? Go4Ellis is a nationwide app/platform that connects teams and organizations with per diem athletic trainers for games, practices, camps, clinics and tournaments.
For more information, or to find and hire an athletic trainer, visit go4ellis.com.
If you're an AT looking to pick up a shift or two, click the links below to download the app.

Go4Ellis is the preferred per diem platform of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.
Every sideline. Everywhere.
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