ATs Respond to Sandy Hook Shooting Through Action
When a tragedy happens, Athletic Trainers seek solutions.
Just look at Stephen F. Austin State University, where SFA ATs are taking part in Stop the Bleed, the first aid training program motivated by 2012 Sandy Hook tragedy.
The program's goal is to train and equip people to reduce the loss of life due from traumatic bleeding.
Click the link below to learn more:
Need an athletic trainer? Go4Ellis is a nationwide app/platform that connects teams and organizations with per diem athletic trainers for games, practices, camps, clinics and tournaments.
For more information, or to find and hire an athletic trainer, visit
If you're an AT looking to pick up a shift or two, click the links below to download the app.

Go4Ellis is the preferred per diem platform of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.
Every sideline. Everywhere.
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